Our cat, Brexa, sitting in the paper scrap box while I scrapbook.
You may be wondering how we are handling the Coronavirus here in Germany.
On March 16th, all universities and schools were closed until the 20th of April, after spring break. This meant that I was no longer able to work tutoring my students. I do have a private business, and I am continuing to work with these individuals via Skype. It is not ideal, but it is teaching me how to prepare for online classes and a more digitalized world.
I looked forward to this vacation, because despite not getting paid, I do get a chance to work on hobbies that I have put aside for my busy life. For example, I intend to scrapbook (for those of you who don’t know, it is putting photos on a colored piece of paper and writing little tidbits about them, including ticket stubs, stickers and other materials important for remembering the event. The key to this is that the items need to be flat, so they fit in the book!) I have been putting this aside for about 6 months, and just finished the years 2015, 2016, and 2017. I am now working on scrapbooking 2018, and still have 2019 and 2020 to go!
I find that this break reminds me how much I need to take time for myself, too, even when I am busy in life. I feel more in touch with reality now, now that the expectations are off. I see the effect the free time has on me, and how calm and relaxed I feel. I look forward to having goals for myself regarding my hobbies, and the endless time I get to do them.
On the other hand, I am also somewhat antsy, because I like to exercise a lot, outdoors or at a gym. Hand in hand with the school and university closings on March 16th, gyms and fitness centers were also closed. I then took the opportunity to go exercising outdoors. The trails were very busy. It seemed like a lot of people were doing this, too.
Since then, and as the rate of those infected with the Coronavirus rose, there has been talk that there will be a complete shutdown here in Germany, that you may only leave your house to go to the grocery store and to the doctor. Yesterday, on March 20th, I saw the infected rate rise from 15,000 on March 19th to 22,000 on March 20th. This seems to have skyrocketed. Although I am not looking forward to staying completely indoors for a month, I know that it is important to protect the health of others and stop the spread of the virus.
This almost complete shutdown has already taken place in Bavaria, Germany, and lots of other German states will likely follow suit. Because I am an active person, and could not exercise outside, I took the opportunity yesterday to run around the inside of my apartment (yes, I am that weird). This resulted in my cats freaking out, but I felt really good afterwards. Today I plan on looking up some fitness courses on Youtube. If there is a will, there is a way!
Lesson: Kindness and consideration for others goes a long way. Think of others before you act, and stay home to keep them and yourself healthy.
Aside from exercise, Lucas, my boyfriend, finds it interesting that stores are using these opportunities to give away free things, yet in the day-to-day life, they are not seen as forgiving. There is a lot more sympathy and understanding by major corporations, which is hard to be found in everyday life.
I find this the same for friends. I feel that the rush of everyday life and the workweek makes it hard for us to keep in contact with friends and loved ones. Is this just a result of industrialization and the availability of technology? Have we lost contact with those we love because we do not make time to keep in touch? I am not sure. I know I am not the best at responding immediately, but I do make it a priority to get back to those I love at one time or another. Have we lost this sense of connection due to the fast pace of daily life?
I hope you use this small break from the world to reconnect with yourself and others and pursue your own passions further. Stay healthy, be safe, and relax a little! And when the quarantine is over, I hope you continue to keep in contact with those that matter.
This map of the up-to-date spread of the Coronavirus turns out a lot better on a computer than on your phone, just so you know. https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html