A lot of people wonder what to do after college, or even high school. They feel like they have finally achieved something great, but do not know what to do with themselves. Should they get a job? Go move to a different city? Go into the army? Travel?
It is a big decision. For me, I decided after college, that I wanted to live abroad. I had had a wonderful experience studying abroad in college, and loved it so much, I wanted to take it one step further. I actually wanted to live there.
I went to the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point to become a teacher. Yet, after getting my bachelor’s, I did not feel ready to teach. I did not want to settle down and have a family. I felt like I was still a kid (and still am!). I wanted to find out more about the world, and other cultures living in it.
So, out of my own uncertainty about settling down, I chose to move across the world. I had studied German at Stevens Point, so I decided Germany would be a great place to live, because I knew the language of the locals. (But you can also move to a place without knowing the language. English is spoken here by the natives quite often. I would say about 75% would have no problem conversing in English with you. I also know that there are many people looking to learn English from a native speaker, and Voilâ! Instant job!)
I decided I would get my master’s in Germany, a) because I at some point in my life wanted to get a higher degree, b) because education is MUCH cheaper here in Germany (you get a train pass for the whole state for around $300 Euros a semester. That is your only tuition!!!) and c) because I wasn’t sure what else to do with my life. This also allowed me to easily get a visa.
I have now been living here for a year and a half, and totally enjoy it. I feel like because I have experienced living in a new culture, I have a new perspective on life. I have two different cultures to view my life from, who I am, what I think, feel, and believe.
It was once explained to me that culture is like a pair of glasses that you use to see the world. You are born with one pair (or more, if you live in other places as you are growing up). For each new place you live, you get a new perspective on life and the world, or another pair of “glasses”. I really think that explanation helps me to explain how I view things in the world- but it depends on which pair of glasses I am wearing.
From an American perspective, it was hard to get adjusted and figure things out, but it was so totally worth it. I think that everyone needs to experience a semester or some time abroad. You become more enriched and it is indescribable, the change you see in yourself.
I now am more sure of myself and my career, and what I want out of life. Sometimes, you just have to step back and look at life from another perspective to help you figure out what you want to do in life. It makes you more confident of what direction to take.
Good luck and I encourage you to pursue any dream you may have! Take that first step, you won’t regret it.
“Travel while you’re young and able. Don’t worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be” – David Avocado Wolfe
We arrived safely with our two cats at the airport.
On our way to our new home! One of our cats, Brexa, meowed the whole way in the car, although both were silent on the plane.
Here we are, settling into the lifestyle in Germany. Time to go shopping for food!
Brexa made herself at home on the laundry rack. Yes, she is crazy.
Gabby found her new sleeping place on the windowsill.
#expat #lifeabroad #gooutandseetheworld #adventurer